segunda-feira, 23 de março de 2015

The Python Trail: An Immigrant's Path from Cameroon to America #recomendo


Em The Python Trail: An Immigrant's Path from Cameroon to America, Afuma retrata o tipo de viagem que muitos imigrantes têm feito, mas poucos têm sido descrita. Quando ele chegou em Maine como um calouro na faculdade, o qual nunca tinha ouvido falar de uma máquina de lavar, um forno de microondas, ou uma máquina de café; os lençóis eram tão limpo e branco que tinha medo que ficassem sujo; e acreditava que as impressoras do computador eram manipuladas por fantasmas.

 Afuma ficou chocado ao saber que a pobreza e a falta de moradia existindo em um lugar cujas ruas pensava fosse de ouro. Nunca imaginou enfrentar dificuldades neste, de modo que, apesar de ter ganho um mestrado em administração pública, falhou uma e outra vez para encontrar um emprego significativo. Com o Racismo, embora sutil, o seguia aonde ele fosse.

Compre aqui na Amzon

The Python Trail, Afuma portrays the kind of journey that many immigrants have made, but few have described. When he arrived in Maine as a college freshman, he’d never heard of a washing machine, a microwave oven, or a coffee maker; the bed sheets were so clean and white, he was afraid he’d dirty them; and he believed computer printers were run by ghosts.

As much as anything, Afuma was shocked to learn that poverty and homelessness existed in a place whose streets he’d thought were paved with gold. It had never occurred to him that he himself might face hardships here, so that, despite having earned a master’s degree in public administration, he would fail time and time again to find meaningful employment. Scam artists preyed on him. Racism, though subtle, followed him wherever he went.


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